Fordham To Upper Westchester Train Schedule Stinks

Metro North Trains to Fordham Slow and Infrequent

Metro-North trains to Fordham from upper Westchester need to be increased and scheduled at key times related to the Fordham University and Fordham Prep academic calendar.

I am a Metro North railroad commuter and have been disappointed and frustrated that the number of trains and the frequency of trains to Fordham from upper Westchester at the height of early morning and afternoon are infrequent and not on time.

The on-time performance of Harlem Line trains have hovered around 90% this year.  For the upper Westchester to Fordham segment, the on-time performance has been around 80%. The delays and disruptions are never explained over the on board speaker system so commuters are at a loss for what is going on and what is causing the delay.

Metro North management needs to take swift and decisive action to increase the frequency and monitor the on-time performance of trains to Fordham from upper Westchester.

The commuters impacted by these trains represent a high revenue per month of over $150-$200 each.  The estimated number of students, faculty and administrators riding this segment is 100, which represent $15,000 in revenue or more.  In addition, the benefit to having more trains and on-time trains improves overall commuter satisfaction.

The University pays a significant amount of taxes to keep and maintain the Fordham station.  It is in the best interest of both Metro North and Fordham University to have an open dialogue to discuss how to best serve the students and their families as well as faculty and administrators with more frequent and on-time trains.  As Fordham University prepares to celebrate its 175th Anniversary, let's pledge to keep the trains to the Fordham station more frequent and on-time.


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